by Neil Shulman | Jan 9, 2019 | Gator Basketball, Gator Football, Gators Recruiting
Our latest episode of the In All Kinds Of Weather Report is out! Much has happened since the last time the IAKOW staff got together. Florida obliterated Michigan in the Peach Bowl (which was amazing), choked away a 58-44 lead on the hardwood to South Carolina and lost...
by Neil Shulman | Dec 18, 2015 | Site News/Announcements
As you may have noticed with things like the Big Board and the Activity Timeline, In All Kinds Of Weather has undergone some changes/seen some new features added to the site. Now it’s time to unveil the latest update. Credit to IAKOW reader Judah Richardson for...
by Neil Shulman | Oct 24, 2015 | Gator Football
SEC Games Auburn at Arkansas NWB: Auburn showed me something in a tough environment last week beating UK. The win was good enough to put Neil in the lead by one game, as I picked the Cats. I think they’ve turned a corner. Unfortunately, here’s the stat...
by Neil Shulman | Jun 26, 2015 | Gator Baseball, Gator Basketball, Gator Football, mailbag, Uncategorized
Welcome to our first edition of the IAKOW Mailbag! This is the perfect opportunity for our readers to directly ask about whatever they want. We’ll try to do them once or twice a month; email me questions at any time to, and...
by Neil Shulman | May 26, 2015 | Site News/Announcements
I’ve been promising my treasured audience at In All Kinds Of Weather some awesome new features for months now, and it’s finally time to unveil two of the really big ones. The first of these features is the orange menu bar beneath the running...