by Neil Shulman | Jul 27, 2015 | Gator Football
Another former Gator has found an NFL home. The Washington Redskins have signed former Florida running back Mack Brown as an undrafted free agent, after he was cut by the Houston Texans last month. Brown becomes the second ex-Gator running back to sign with the...
by Neil Shulman | May 19, 2015 | Gator Football
Time will tell if Florida fans can crucify Will Muschamp over the lack of success Matt Jones enjoyed as a Gator, but Jones seems confident it will get to that point. The former Gator running back and newest Washington Redskin spoke with DC media about his potential in...
by Neil Shulman | Apr 19, 2015 | Uncategorized
It looks like Florida’s Superman will get one last shot- and it may be his best one yet. It also could be his last. UPDATE: TEBOW has signed the contract. He is officially an Eagle. Adam Schefter has reported that Tebow has reached a deal with the Philadelphia...
by Neil Shulman | Apr 15, 2015 | Gator Football, Uncategorized
The downfall of the former star Gator tight end is now complete. Aaron Hernandez has been found guilty of first degree murder in the shooting death of Odin Lloyd. Lloyd was shot six times in the middle of the night almost two years ago, and prosecutors have speculated...