by Neil Shulman | May 31, 2021 | Gator Baseball
Photo credit: Michael Wade, Florida Gators Baseball The 2021 Gator baseball team was hyped up to be one of the best of all time. That didn’t happen: the regular season was a bit of a letdown to say the least. But the Gator baseball team did manage to sneak into...
by Neil Shulman | Feb 10, 2021 | Gator Baseball, Uncategorized
No sooner had the ultra-promising 2020 Gator baseball season lifted off the ground than it crashed and burned a mere few feet beyond the end of the runway. Some teams were left decimated by the MLB Draft and never got their money’s worth out of veterans who had...
by Neil Shulman | Jun 23, 2018 | Baseball Game Recaps, Gator Baseball, Uncategorized
Though the Gator baseball team put together a stellar season that by no means anybody involved should be ashamed of, their quest to repeat as national champions fell just short. Brady Singer ended a phenomenal career on a sour note, Florida reverted back to its recent...
by Neil Shulman | Jun 22, 2018 | Baseball Game Recaps, Gator Baseball
Things were going Florida’s way. Then they weren’t. They they were again. Then they weren’t again. And finally, after far more heart stopping of a final three innings than they had to be, the Gators remained the last team standing, winners of a truly epic offensive...
by Neil Shulman | May 7, 2018 | Gator Baseball
It’s some world we live in where the Gator baseball team winning two out of three games on the road as opposed to all three is cause for concern. But with this team not really providing much else to be concerned about, the whole season almost feels too good to be...