Today is a big day for us at In All Kinds Of Weather, as this is the day, after months of discussing and preparing for it, that we finally launch our podcast.
We have held individual, single podcasts before when big things have happened, like this one with then contributor NWB and the Florida Today’s David Jones to discuss Will Muschamp’s serious issues and potential successors and this one with Joey Vizzi and NWB in 2014 when the wheels were really coming off the rails with Will Muschamp in 2014 prior to the Florida-Georgia game (and what a win that was).
But now, for the first time, we are proud to roll out a regular, weekly podcast that will touch on whatever the flavor of the week is for Gator sports. That’s right, sports in general. We love our Gator football, but Florida plays more than just one sport, and when the times warrant it, we’ll discuss those other ones too.
Lastly, this is the perfect time to introduce Casey Hampton, our newest staff writer. You’ll meet him in more detail later, but for now, a quick shoutout goes to him as well as Gaige Kidd for facilitating this podcast.